"A Good Name, says the Dramatic Poet, is the immediate Jewel of a Man's Soul."

— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)

February 18, 1752
"A Good Name, says the Dramatic Poet, is the immediate Jewel of a Man's Soul."
Metaphor in Context
A Good Name, says the Dramatic Poet, is the immediate Jewel of a Man's Soul. So high indeed is the value which Mankind set on a good Name, that we have frequent Instances (in the Case of Duels particularly) where Men do at least run the Risque of both Life and Soul for its Preservation. This is surely going too far; but if we agree with Aristotle in his Eluis, that not to live but to live happily is the great Business of Man, Reputation will appear of equal Value with Life itself, since our living happily so absolutely depends on our possessing this inestimable Jewel.
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Henry Fielding, The Covent-Garden Journal, ed. G. E. Jensen, 2 vols. (New Haven: Yale UP, 1915)
Date of Entry

The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.