Date: 1660, 1676
"Because he that endeavours to keep a good Conscience and hath an honest mind, besides that he will inquire after his duty sufficiently, he will be able to tell very much of it himself: for God will assist him, and cause that his own mind shall tell him more than seven Watchmen that sit in a Tow...
preview | full record— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)
Date: w. 1663, 1954 publication
"Without the help and assistance of the senses [the mind] can achieve nothing more than a labourer working in darkness behind shuttered windows"
preview | full record— Locke, John (1632-1704)
Date: 1664
"What does the Soul, but (like an excellent Chymist) in this internal Laboratory of Man, by a fermentation of our nourishment in the stomach and guts, a filtration thereof through the Lacteae, a digestion in the Heart, a Circulation and Rectification in the Veins and Arteries: what does she, I sa...
preview | full record— Power, Henry (1623-1668)
Date: 1667; 2nd ed. in 1674
"But know that in the soul / Are many lesser faculties, that serve / Reason as chief; among these Fancy next / Her office holds; of all external things / Which the five watchful senses represent, / She forms imaginations, aery shapes, / Which Reason, joining or disjoining, frames / All what...
preview | full record— Milton, John (1608-1674)
Date: 1674
"To this Objection therefore I answer (1.) that had this excellent Man, Monsieur des Cartes been but half as conversant in Anatomy, as he seems to have been in Geometry, doubtles he would never have lodged so noble a guest as the Rational Soul, in so incommodious a closet of the brain, as the Gla...
preview | full record— Charleton, Walter (1620-1707)
Date: 1679
"How can'st thou, cruel Soul, thus let me stand, / Barr'd out of Doors, whilst others do command / The choicest Room within thy yielding Breast, / Lodgings too good for such destructive Guests."
preview | full record— Keach, Benjamin (1640-1704)
Date: c. 1680
"The Vitall Spirits apprehend thereby / Exposde to danger great suburbs ly, / The which they do desert, and speedily / The Fort of Life the Heart, they Fortify, / The Heart beats up still by her Pulse to Call / Out of the outworks her train Souldiers all / Which quickly come hence."
preview | full record— Taylor, Edward (1642-1729)
Date: 1682
"Love, that like a rich and potent Lord possesses, each close Apartment of this Charming Body, retains thy Vertue for some fitter season, and therefore shuts it up in some dark Closet, till the Riotous Soul has done its Revelling."
preview | full record— D'Urfey, Thomas (1653?-1723)
Date: 1683
"That once Experience would but cross the Jest, / And prove the highest Chamber furnisht best. / For Knowledge (Nature's guide) should quarter there, / And Judgment, her most trusty Councellour."
preview | full record— Shipman, Thomas (1632-1680)
Date: 1683
"But for such Guests [Invention, Memory, and Wit] I have no fitting Room; / Or if I had, I've no such Guests to come."
preview | full record— Shipman, Thomas (1632-1680)