Date: 1611
"His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, as hard as a piece of the nether millstone."
preview | full record— Author Unknown
Date: 1664
"I suppose the body to be nothing but a statue or machine made of earth."
preview | full record— Descartes, René (1596-1650)
Date: 1691
"Thirdly, Let us hence duly learn to prize and value our Souls; is the Body such a rare Piece, what this is the Soul? the Body is but the Husk or Shell, the Soul is the Kernel; the Body is but the Cask, the Soul the precious Liquor contained in it; the Body is but the Cabinet; the Soul the Jewel;...
preview | full record— Ray [formerly Wray], John (1627–1705)
Date: 1744, 1772, 1795
"Passion's fierce illapse / Rouzes the mind's whole fabric; with supplies / Of daily impulse keeps the elastic powers / Intensely poiz'd, and polishes anew / By that collision all the fine machine: / Else rust would rise, and foulness, by degrees / Incumbering, choak at last what heaven design'd ...
preview | full record— Akenside, Mark (1720-1771)
Date: 1788
"With horns, and tail, and hoofs that make folks start; / And in my breast a millstone for a heart!"
preview | full record— Wolcot, John, pseud. Peter Pindar, (1738-1819)
Date: 1795
"Still to be serious, Pitt, before we part: / Let Mercy melt the mill-stone of thy heart."
preview | full record— Wolcot, John, pseud. Peter Pindar, (1738-1819)
Date: 1999
"On its own this trigger, as we can see from the earlier definition, is not going to generate consciousness. Imagine a candyfloss machine with a stick in the centre that then gathers more and more candyfloss as time goes on. Think of the epicentre as the stick in the centre, the burgeoning candy...
preview | full record— Greenfield, Susan (b. 1950)
Date: February 25, 2010
"This suggests that depressive disorder is an extreme form of an ordinary thought process, part of the dismal machinery that draws us toward our problems, like a magnet to metal."
preview | full record— Lehrer, Jonah