Date: 1702
"Do you understand how your Soul ... preserves its Treasure of Ideas, to produce them at pleasure"?
preview | full record— Trotter, Catherine, later Cockburn, (1674?-1749)
Date: Saturday, May 7, to Tuesday, May 10, 1709
"When we first take our place about a man, the receptacles of the pericranium are immediately searched. In his, I found no one ordinary trace of thinking; but strong passion, violent desires, and a continued series of different changes, had torn it to pieces."
preview | full record— Steele, Sir Richard (1672-1729)
Date: 1710, 1714
"There is no way of estimating manners or apprising the different humours, fancies, passions, and apprehensions of others without first taking an inventory of the same kind of goods within ourselves and surveying our domestic fund."
preview | full record— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)
Date: 1710, 1714
"There is no way of estimating Manners, or apprizing the different Humours, Fancys, Passions and Apprehensions of others, without first taking an Inventory of the same kind of Goods within ourselves, and surveying our domestick Fund."
preview | full record— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 1711
"By this means, when the Heavens are filled with Clouds, when the Earth swims in Rain, and all Nature wears a lowering Countenance, I withdraw myself from these uncomfortable Scenes into the visionary Worlds of Art; where I meet with shining Landskips, gilded Triumphs, beautiful Faces, and all th...
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: Wednesday, August 1, 1711
"Thou art a Person of a light Mind; thy Drum is a Type of thee, it soundeth because it is empty."
preview | full record— Steele, Sir Richard (1672-1729)
Date: Monday, December 17, 1711
"Now as to the peculiar Qualities of the Eye, that fine Part of our Constitution seems as much the Receptacle and Seat of our Passions, Appetites and Inclinations as the Mind it self; and at least it is the outward Portal to introduce them to the House within, or rather the common Thorough-fare t...
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: Tuesday, January 15, 1712
"We observed a long Antrum or Cavity in the Sinciput, that was filled with Ribbons, Lace and Embroidery, wrought together in a most curious Piece of Network, the Parts of which were likewise imperceptible to the naked Eye. Another of these Antrums or Cavities was stuffed with invisible Billetdoux...
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: 1705, 1714, 1732
"This has often made me compare the Virtues of great Men to your large China Jars: they make a fine Shew, and are Ornamental even to a Chimney; one would by the Bulk they appear in, and the Value that is set upon 'em, think they might be very useful, but look into a thousand of them, and you'll f...
preview | full record— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)