Date: 1691
"However chast his Body may be, his Mind is extreamly prolifick; his thoughts are a perfect Seraglio, and he, like a great Turk, begets thousands of little Infants--Remarks, Fancys, Fantasticks, Crochets and Whirligigs, on his wandring Intellect, and when once begot, they must be bred--so out he ...
preview | full record— Dunton, John (1659–1732)
Date: 1747-8
"If in look, if in speech, a girl waves way to undue levity, depend upon it, the devil has got one of his cloven feet in her heart already."
preview | full record— Richardson, Samuel (bap. 1689, d. 1761)
Date: 1754
Authors may "awaken the judgment to exert itself, so as to reject all the alluring bribes which the passions, assisted by the imagination, can offer"
preview | full record— Fielding, Sarah (1710-1768) and Jane Collier (bap. 1715, d. 1755)
Date: 1760-7
"But for sleep--I know I shall make nothing of it before I begin--I am no dab at your fine sayings in the first place--and in the next, I cannot for my soul set a grave face upon a bad matter, and tell the world--'tis the refuge of the unfortunate--the enfranchisement of the prisoner--the downy l...
preview | full record— Sterne, Laurence (1713-1768)