Date: 1651
"'Tis but the Body that blind Fortunes spight / Can chain to Earth; the nobler Soul doth slight / Her servill Bonds, and takes to Heaven her flight."
preview | full record— Sherburne, Sir Edward (bap. 1616, d. 1702)
Date: 1651
"Why break'st thou not (my Soul) this Chain / Of Flesh? why lett'st thou that restrain / Thy nimble Flight into his Arms, / Whose only Look with gladness charms?"
preview | full record— Sherburne, Sir Edward (bap. 1616, d. 1702)
Date: 1697
"Her charms unbind / The chains of love, or fix them on the mind."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1733-5
"[Love's] Pleasures have so many Pains, / And leave such Stings behind, / That I'm resolv'd to quit the Chains, / And free my captive Mind."
preview | full record— Bowden, Samuel (fl. 1733-1761)
Date: 1737
"Brave Souls when loos'd from this ignoble Chain / Of Clay, and sent to their own Heav'n again, / From Earth's gross Orb on Virtue's Pinions rise / In Æther wanton, and enjoy the Skies."
preview | full record— Baker, Henry (1698-1774)
Date: 1753
"By steel may bodies be confin'd, / But love, my Orra, chains the mind."
preview | full record— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)
Date: 1765
"Thy way, by grace so well begun, / I shall have farther strength to run / Until I reach the goal; / When, Jesus, from this low degree, / And bondage of mortality, / Thou hast enlarged my soul."
preview | full record— Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)
Date: 1765
"Lord, from this despondence rousing, / For the glory of thy name, / And my righteous cause espousing, / Bring my soul from bonds and shame."
preview | full record— Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)
Date: w. 1791-2
"But, sent from God, his presence leaves, / To gather home his ripen'd sheaves, / To call encumber'd souls away / From fleshly bonds to boundless day, / (As when the winged hours excite, / And summon forth the morning-light) / And each to convoy to her place / Before the Eternal Father's face."
preview | full record— Cowper, William (1731-1800)