Date: 1800
The heart may overflow "with joy not unmingled with regrets and trepidation"
preview | full record— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)
Date: 1800
The heart may be buoyed up by a kind of intoxication
preview | full record— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)
Date: 1800
The heart may overflow at the lips
preview | full record— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)
Date: 1800
The whole heart may be poured forth in a letter
preview | full record— Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810)
Date: w. c. 1800, 1805
"These sudden eruptions of the passions of the multitude, spread, like the lava of a volcano, throughout all France, nor could men of correct judgment, who aimed only at reform of abuses, and a renovation in all the departments, check the fury of the torrent."
preview | full record— Warren, Mercy Otis (1728-1814)
Date: September 10, 1836
"Nevertheless, far different from the deaf and dumb nature around them, these all rest like fountain-pipes on the unfathomed sea of thought and virtue whereto they alone, of all organizations, are the entrances."
preview | full record— Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882)
Date: August 31, 1837
"The unstable estimates of men crowd to him whose mind is filled with a truth, as the heaped waves of the Atlantic follow the moon."
preview | full record— Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882)
Date: 1845
"They told a tale of woe which was then altogether beyond my feeble comprehension; they were tones loud, long, and deep; they breathed the prayer and complaint of souls boiling over with the bitterest anguish."
preview | full record— Douglass, Frederick (1818-1895)
Date: 1854
"What was the meaning of that South-Sea Exploring Expedition, with all its parade and expense, but an indirect recognition of the fact, that there are continents and seas in the moral world to which every man is an isthmus or an inlet, yet unexplored by him, but that it is easier to sail many tho...
preview | full record— Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
Date: 1855
"This is the tasteless water of souls .... this the true sustenance."
preview | full record— Whitman, Walt (1819-1892)