Date: 1694
"As Fire under Ashes, nor the Sun obscured from our sight by thick Clouds, afford not their full lustre, so the Soul overwhelmed in moist or faulty matter, is darkned, and Reason thereby overclouded"
preview | full record— Aristotle [pseud.]
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 1712
"The strange and absurd Variety that is so apparent in Men's Actions, shews plainly they can never proceed immediately from Reason; so pure a Fountain emits no such troubled Waters: They must necessarily arise from the Passions, which are to the Mind as the Winds to a Ship, they only can move it,...
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 1712
"The Understanding being of its self too slow and lazy to exert it self into Action, its necessary it should be put in Motion by the gentle Gales of the Passions, which may preserve it from stagnating and Corruption."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1765
"Religion is exalted Reason, refin'd and sifted from the grosser Parts of it; It dwells in the upper Region of the Mind, where there are fewest Clouds or Mists to darken or offend it."
preview | full record— Anonymous