Date: Monday, December 17, 1711
"Now as to the peculiar Qualities of the Eye, that fine Part of our Constitution seems as much the Receptacle and Seat of our Passions, Appetites and Inclinations as the Mind it self; and at least it is the outward Portal to introduce them to the House within, or rather the common Thorough-fare t...
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 1712
"All great Genius's have Faults mixed with their Virtues, and resemble the flaming Bush which has Thorns amongst Light."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: Monday, May 26, 1712
"I faint; I die! my laboring Breast / Is with the mighty Weight of Love opprest: / I feel the Fire possess my Heart, / And pain conveyed to every Part."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: January, 1730
"For the Soul, without the discipline of wisdom and instruction, is all hoisted up sail and sheet, and has no compass or rudder to sail by."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1765
"A Man's House may be so fill'd with Furniture, that he shall want Room to stir; and a Man's Head may be so stuff'd with other People's Thoughts, that his own shall be stifled."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1765
"I am apt to think that as Plants are choak'd with too much Moisture, and Lamps with too much Oil; so it happens to the Mind of Man, when it is embarass'd with too much Study and Matter; for being confounded with a great Variety of Things, it loses the Power of extricating itself, and so is rende...
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1765
"Human Reason and Discourses, are like a confus'd and barren Matter, until the Grace of God puts them in form, which alone gives them Shape and Value."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1765
"The best Way to prove the Clearness of our Mind is by shewing its Faults; as when a Stream discovers the Dirt at the Bottom, it convinces us of the Transparency and Purity of the Water."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1771
"BIAS, or BIASS, in a general sense, the inclination or bent of a person's mind to one thing more than another."
preview | full record— Author Unknown
Date: 1771
"That is, let not great examples, or authorities, browbeat they reason into too great a diffidence fo thyself: thyself so reverence, as to prefer the native growth of thy own mind to the richest import from abroad; such borrowed riches make us poor."
preview | full record— Author Unknown