Date: 1731
"Say to what friendly Aid we owe / Those Gleams that in the Mind's fair Mirror play."
preview | full record— Travers, H. (f. 1730)
Date: 1735
"He mark'd the Bounds 'tween Brutes and Men, / And KNOW THY SELF made known, / Dark Monsters fled before his Pen, / While Fancy's Mirror shone."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: [1738], 1758
"Consult your mind, consult your glass, / Each charm of sense and youth; / Then own, who changes is an ass, / Nor wonder at my truth."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: 1773
"Think'st thou, had Fancy's mirror struck his sight, / And brought thy too degenerate deeds to light; / Had shewn thee curst to such a vicious race, / Whose very breath contaminates the place: / How would his manly heart with grief have died / T'have seen this fatal barrier to his pride?"
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: July, 1797
"Thro' rural scenes she still conducts her boy, / From factious folly and tumultuous strife; / In fancy's mirror bids her bard enjoy, / The simple blessings of a cottage life."
preview | full record— Orestes [Pseud.]