Date: 1694
The soul is "a spark of the Divine Mind" and "a blast of Almighty Breath"
preview | full record— Aristotle [pseud.]
Date: 1694
"To which may be added, the Appetite and Desire to Copulation, which fires the Imagination with unusual Fancies."
preview | full record— Aristotle [pseud.]
Date: 1694
"As Fire under Ashes, nor the Sun obscured from our sight by thick Clouds, afford not their full lustre, so the Soul overwhelmed in moist or faulty matter, is darkned, and Reason thereby overclouded"
preview | full record— Aristotle [pseud.]
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 1712
"Young Men whose Passions are not a little unruly, give small Hopes of their ever being considerable; the Fire of Youth will of course abate, and is a Fault, if it be a Fault, that mends every Day; but surely unless a Man has Fire in Youth, he can hardly have Warmth in Old Age."
preview | full record— Anonymous
Date: Monday, May 26, 1712
"I faint; I die! my laboring Breast / Is with the mighty Weight of Love opprest: / I feel the Fire possess my Heart, / And pain conveyed to every Part."
preview | full record— Anonymous