Date: 1724
"Without such a Miracle, since the Soul and Body act mutually upon one another, and the Tabernacle of Clay is the weakest part of the Compound, it must at last be overborn and thrown down."
preview | full record— Cheyne, George (1671-1743)
Date: 1724
"As a Stone in a Wall, fastened with Mortar, compressed by surrounding Stones, and involved in a Million of other Attractions, cannot fall to the Earth, nor sensibly exert its natural Gravity, no, not so much as to discover there is such a Principle in it; just so, the intelligent Soul, in this h...
preview | full record— Cheyne, George (1671-1743)
Date: January 1739
"I know that the fear of the civil magistrate is as strong a restraint as any of iron, and that I am in as perfect safety as if he were chain'd or imprison'd."
preview | full record— Hume, David (1711-1776)