Date: 1753
"Come then, thou Cordial for sick Minds--Come to my Heart."
preview | full record— Moore, Edward (1712-1757)
Date: 1755
"Why did I not / Repent, while yet my Crimes were decibel! / Ere they had struck their Colours thro' my Soul, / As black as Night or Hell!"
preview | full record— Brown, John (1715-1766)
Date: 1761
"Why must I only answer thee with sighs? / What is it hangs thus heavy on my heart, / And weighs it down, when it should spring with joy? / Alas! 'tis conscience; 'tis the pride of honour; / 'Tis the severe condition of my fate, / Which makes it ruin to be lov'd by Tullia, / And warns me to suppr...
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)
Date: 1761
"O Love, thou wear'st a smiling Cupid's face, / Till we fond virgins take thee in our arms; / There warm'd, thou grow'st into an ugly fiend, / And strik'st a thousand daggers in our hearts."
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)
Date: 1761
"Soon as the guilty passion is allay'd, / The green and morbid colour of our souls / Is chang'd to virgin white; a gentle breeze / Of pity springs within us."
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)
Date: 1761
"Dream on, till Vengeance wake thee, till thy Conscience / Bloated and swell'd, from Pleasure's guilty feast / Starts up aghast, turns suddenly upon thee, / And stings thee to the Heart."
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)
Date: 1763
I shall bury in Oblivion all Thoughts of the Intent,
preview | full record— King, Thomas (1730-1805)
Date: 1764
"To this cabinet volition, or will, has a key; so when an arduous subject occurs, I unlock my bureau, pull out the particular drawer, and am supply'd with what I want in an instant."
preview | full record— Foote, Samuel (1720-1777)
Date: 1782
"Have you shewn a jewel / Out of the cabinet of your rich mind / To lock it up again?"
preview | full record— Dudley, Sir Henry Bate (1745-1824)
Date: 1789
"I would not be thought to undervalue worldly enjoyments, nor outward appearances: but I look into the interior of a man; I study the character, that is my habit."
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)