Date: 1700
"Her Night-gown hanging loose, discover’d her charming Bosom, which cou’d bear no Name, but Transport, Wonder and Extasy, all which struck his Soul, as soon as the Object hit his Eye; her Breasts with an easy Heaving, show’d the Smoothness of her Soul and of her Skin; their Motions were so langui...
preview | full record— Behn, Aphra (1640?-1689)
Date: 1712, 1715, 1719
"I will not repeat to you, Madam, the divers Conflicts of my Thoughts and the Agitation of my Mind on this Occasion; for my Interior labour'd as it were under a Fever and Ague, burning with an irresistible Inclination for Marcellus"
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1712, 1715, 1719
"[W]hen once Passion blinds us, Passion misguides us, Passion overthrows us, Passion destroys us, and no Passion so strong and so deceitful as that of Love; Love rocks our Reason into a Lethargy, and then does what it pleases with the rest of our Interior"
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1712, 1715, 1719
"Then since it is impossible to make my Heart cease from sighing Love, and my Mind from thinking Love, my Eyes from languishing, it is vain to command my Tongue to cease from declaring what all my interiour Passions dictate"
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1713, 1719
"Thus my Thoughts play'd at Racket, and seldom minded the Line of Reason"
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1713, 1719
"[M]y Mind labour'd under a perpetual shaking Palsy of Hope and Fear; my whole Interiour was nothing but Distraction and Uncertainty"
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1713, 1719
"It is this reserv'd Mein, Madam, which has often deter'd me, and commanded my Tongue to a respectful Silence; whilst my poor Heart, overcharg'd with Passion, only eas'd it self with Sighs, and my Looks were the only Language whereby to express my interior Thoughts"
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1719-1720, 1725
"Ill Genius, or that Devil, Curiosity, ... too much haunts the Minds of Women"
preview | full record— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)
Date: 1719-1720, 1725
"[W]here the interiour Beauties are consulted, and Souls are Devotees, is truly noble; Love there is a Divinity indeed, because he is immortal and unchangeable; and if our earthy part partake the Bliss, and craving Nature is in all obey'd; Possession thus desir'd, and thus obtain'd,...
preview | full record— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)
Date: 1723
"Your Letter has so ruffled my whole Interior, that I know not how to write common Sense."
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)