Date: 1803
The muse "beams a visionary day: / Bright as the magic torch she early gave / To light thy ven'trous way, through fancy's secret cave."
preview | full record— Hunter [née Home], Anne (1742-1821)
Date: 1806
"In ev'ry eye, / The living ray of waken'd intellect / Marks reason's lamp divine!"
preview | full record— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)
Date: 1806
"Thy pure flame / Would light the sense opake, and warm the spring / Of boundless ecstacy; while nature's laws / So violated, plead, immortal-tongu'd, / For her dark-fated children; lead them forth / From bondage infamous!"
preview | full record— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)
Date: 1810
An idea "too oft survey'd, / Beneath the ardent beam of Thought shall fade"
preview | full record— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)
Date: 1810
"Yes, it is beneath the constant glow of ardent imagination, that the impression, given by memory, has faded. Then it is that a good, nay even an indifferent picture, or a paper-profile of a dear lost friend, strengthens our recollection, in the same manner that retouching a copper-plate restores...
preview | full record— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)
Date: 1810
Two cause produce the vanishing of internal images; "viz. the mind not having dwelt upon the originals of those its pictures often enough to make their image strong and vivid after long absence; --and, its too frequently casting upon such inshrined resemblances, the dazzling light of fervent med...
preview | full record— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)
Date: 1814
"Her steady lamp shall pour its guiding ray, / And shed on lowliest minds celestial day."
preview | full record— Grant [née MacVicar], Anne (1755-1838)
Date: 1814
"Death reveals his bright associate Truth,/ (Whose rays the new-departed soul illume, / Like those eternal lamps that light the tomb,)"
preview | full record— Grant [née MacVicar], Anne (1755-1838)
Date: 1825
"Yet still to humble hope enough is given / Of light from reason's lamp, and light from heaven, / To teach us what to follow, what to shun, / To bow the head and say "Thy will be done!"
preview | full record— Barbauld, Anna Letitia [née Aikin] (1743-1825)
Date: 1890
"We noticed smallest things, / Things overlooked before, / By this great light upon our minds / Italicized, as 't were."
preview | full record— Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)