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Date: 1696
"The Prince, at this moment, banish'd from his Breast the Idea of all the Court-Beauties he had ever seen, and gaz'd on this Master-piece of Nature so long, till he had imprinted Cordelia's Image too deep for time ever to deface."
preview | full record— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)
Date: 1696
"'Twas not with ease the Usurper got Possession here (went she on; pointing to her Heart) nor will he be with ease dislodg'd. All the Sighs and Tears it cost Emilius to gain this Virgin Heart, to bind it in the Inchanting Chains of Tyrannick Love; I must, with Interest, pay back, e'er I can set t...
preview | full record— Pix, Mary (c.1666-1720)