Date: 1701
"So when against the Tide the Sailor toils / to force his loaded Bark, the Current foils / His Pains, down Stream the master'd Vessel's drove"
preview | full record— Sherburne, Sir Edward (bap. 1616, d. 1702)
Date: 1701
Reason may be "conquer'd by more powerful Love"
preview | full record— Sherburne, Sir Edward (bap. 1616, d. 1702)
Date: 1701
"My Reason's conquer'd by more powerful Love, / Who rules as Tyrant in my captiv'd Breast."
preview | full record— Sherburne, Sir Edward (bap. 1616, d. 1702)
Date: 1703
"But Beauty, bewitching Beauty, has Power at any time to unlock the Closet of my Breast; your Charms are irresistibly engaging"
preview | full record— Centlivre, Susanna (c.1670-1723); Moliére (1622-1673)
Date: 1705
"Love is th' unlimited Passion of the Mind, it ranges unconfin'd by Law or Reason"
preview | full record— Johnson, Charles (1679-1748); Abraham Cowley (1618-1667)
Date: 1734
"Alas! that I shou'd view your Heart in the Mirror of my own!"
preview | full record— Cooke, Thomas (1703-1756); Terence (c. 190 - 159 B.C.)
Date: 1739
"And as the Author very well says, whose Name I've forgot, Man is in this World like a Bird upon a Bough, the Bough is fix'd to the Tree, he who is fix'd to the Tree follows good Precepts, good Precepts are better than fine Words, fine Words are found at Court, at Court are Courtiers, Courtiers f...
preview | full record— Baker, Henry (1698-1774); Miller James (1706-1744); Molière (1622-1673)
Date: 1739
A mind may be a mind so "famish'd for Drollery, that can taste the silly things this Play is season'd with"
preview | full record— Baker, Henry (1698-1774); Miller James (1706-1744); Molière (1622-1673)
Date: 1739
"Yes, Speech is Animi Index, & Speculum; 'tis the Interpreter of the Heart, 'tis the Image of the Soul."
preview | full record— Baker, Henry (1698-1774); Miller James (1706-1744); Molière (1622-1673)
Date: 1739
Speech is "a Mirror that plainly represents to us the most hidden Secrets of us Individuals."
preview | full record— Baker, Henry (1698-1774); Miller James (1706-1744); Molière (1622-1673)