Date: 1699
"We do plainly perceive that our Bodies are clogs to our Minds: And all the use that even the purest sort of Body in an Estate conceived to be glorified, can be of to a Mind, is to be an Instrument of local Motion, or to be a repository of Ideas for Memory and Imagination."
preview | full record— Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715)
Date: 1703
"And this is a great bondage to the mind of man, to live in ignorance of those things which are useful for us to know; to be mistaken about those matters which are of great moment and concernment to us to be rightly informed in: Ignorance is the confinement of our understandings, as Knowledge and...
preview | full record— Tillotson, John (1630-1694)
Date: 1703
"Wickedness and vice is the bondage of the will, which is the proper seat of liberty: and therefore there is no such slave in the world, as a man that is subject to his lusts; that is under the tyranny of strong and unruly passions, of vicious inclinations and habits."
preview | full record— Tillotson, John (1630-1694)
Date: 1724
"As a Stone in a Wall, fastened with Mortar, compressed by surrounding Stones, and involved in a Million of other Attractions, cannot fall to the Earth, nor sensibly exert its natural Gravity, no, not so much as to discover there is such a Principle in it; just so, the intelligent Soul, in this h...
preview | full record— Cheyne, George (1671-1743)
Date: September 17, 1726
"This Train of Images continually revolv'd in our young Parson's Brain; and to preserve them from being jostled out by any intruding Foreigners, who might dispossess the Original Orthodox Inhabitants, the first Link of the Chain was rivetted by Pride, and the two last closed up by those two insep...
preview | full record— Arbuckle, James (d. 1742)
Date: 1729
"Now in order to restore the Fibres of the Brain under the Melancholy Madness, and recover the Mind from those most gloomy, dejecting Circumstances, to which it is chain'd during the Force of this Disease, we must endeavour to bring their Machinulae into closer Contacts with each other; th...
preview | full record— Robinson, Nicholas (c.1697–1775)
Date: 1751
"Thus a lively Imagination and unperceived Self-Love, fetter the Heart in certain ideal Bonds of their own creating: Till at length some turbulent and furious Passion arising in its Strength, breaks these fantastic Shackles which Fancy had imposed, and leaps to its Prey like a Tyger chained by Co...
preview | full record— Brown, John (1715-1766)
Date: 1762
"Ils sont sourds, en effet, à la voix intérieure qui leur crie d’un ton difficile à méconnaître: Une machine ne pense point, il n’y a ni mouvement, ni figure qui produise la réflexion: quelque chose en toi cherche à briser les liens qui le compriment; l’espace n’est pas ta mesure, l’univers entie...
preview | full record— Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)
Date: 1779
"Let me exhort ye then to open the locks of your hearts with the nail of repentance: burst asunder the fetters of your beloved lusts, mount the chimney of hope, take from hence the bar of good resolution, break through the stone wall of despair, and all the strong holds in the dark entry of the v...
preview | full record— Anonymous