Date: 1717
"For it proceeds from the Light of Nature in my Breast, which tells me that my Life is not my own, but God's, who gave it, and that I am answerable for any Neglect of mine in not preserving the same."
preview | full record— Earbery, Matthias (1690-1740)
Date: 1769
"Vain therefore, and entirely to be rejected, is that Principle published to the World, by a celebrated Philosopher of the last Century, namely, that the Soul in its first created State, has nothing in it, but is a mere Rasa Tabula, or blank Paper."
preview | full record— Law, William (1686-1761)
Date: 1769
"For every Creature of this World, animate or inanimate, is in its Degree, a Microcosm of all the Powers, that are in the great World, of which it is a Part."
preview | full record— Law, William (1686-1761)