Date: 1676, 1703
"This is also abundantly proved by the Experience of all such, as being secretly touched with the Call of God's Grace unto them, do apply themselves to false Teachers, where the Remedy proves worse than the Disease; because, instead of knowing God, or the things relating to their Salvation aright...
preview | full record— Barclay, Robert (1648-1690)
Date: 1697
"Besides, long causes working in her mind, / And secret seeds of envy, lay behind; / Deep graven in her heart the doom remain'd / Of partial Paris, and her form disdain'd; / The grace bestow'd on ravish'd Ganymed, / Electra's glories, and her injur'd bed."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1692, 1702
"The Soul of Man comes into this World at least as Ill-informed of the Affairs of Grace, as those of Nature. It is in all respects, a Rasa tabula, a meer Blank, and hath need of being fill'd with every thing"
preview | full record— Jurieu, Pierre (1637-1713); Fleetwood, William, Trans.
Date: 1708
"'The Characters that Nature has impress'd, / 'Keep their primæval Stamp on ev'ry Breast"
preview | full record— Arwaker, Edmund (c.1655-1730); Aesop
Date: 1708
"'And he that wou'd, what's printed there, erase, / 'As well might hope to blanch a Negro's Face."
preview | full record— Arwaker, Edmund (c.1655-1730); Aesop
Date: 1715, 1762
"In Good Mens Minds and Hearts alone doth he, / Delight to Dwell, and there Engraven be."
preview | full record— Pennecuik, Alexander (d. 1730)
Date: 1721, 1722
"There are few women abandoned enough to go this length; they all bear in their hearts a certain impression of virtue, naturally engraved on them, which though their education may weaken, it cannot destroy."
preview | full record— Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (1689-1755)
Date: 1721, 1722
"This noble passion is indeed always engraved upon their hearts; but imagination and education mould it a thousand ways."
preview | full record— Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (1689-1755)
Date: 1725-6
"O Prince attend! some sav'ring pow'r be kind,
And print th'important story on thy mind!"
preview | full record— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.
Date: 1725-6
"Then hear my words, and grave them in thy mind!"
preview | full record— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), Broome, W. and Fenton, E.