Date: 1740
"Love, Thy image love, impart, / Stamp it on our face and heart"
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1740
"Be I, O Thou my better part, / A seal impress'd upon Thy heart:"
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1740
"To pleasures vain he steel'd his heart; / No room for them when God is there"
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1741
" One Stamp of Mind their very Forms express'd, / Same shap'd, like fac'd, like manner'd, and same drest"
preview | full record— Ogle, George (1704-1746)
Date: 1741
"He blinds the Wise, gives Eye-sight to the Blind; / And moulds and stamps anew the Lover's Mind"
preview | full record— Ogle, George (1704-1746)
Date: 1741
"Whether from mutual Passion springs the Flame, / Or Minds congenial stamp the vital Seeds"
preview | full record— Ogle, George (1704-1746)
Date: 1741
"Nor useless Hints to Him impart, / Who knows so well to cast the Heart / In Virtue's genuine Mould."
preview | full record— Duck, Stephen (1705-1756)
Date: 1742
"So should all speak: so Reason speaks in all. / From the soft whispers of that god in man, / Why fly to Folly, why to Frenzy fly, / For rescue from the blessing we possess?"
preview | full record— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)
Date: 1742
"The soul is on a rack; the rack of rest, / To souls most adverse; action all their joy."
preview | full record— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)
Date: 1742
"Not the gross act alone employs her pen; / She reconnoitres Fancy's airy band, / A watchful foe! the formidable spy, / Listening, o'erhears the whispers of our camp; / Our dawning purposes of heart explores, / And steals our embryos of iniquity."
preview | full record— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)