Date: 1593
"[A]s wee apparaile our selves in Beastes skinnes, in self same sort we clothe our soules in theyr sinnes"
preview | full record— Nashe, Thomas (bap. 1567, d. c. 1601)
Date: 1648
"Thus a man who is dressed can be regarded as a compound of a man and clothes. But with respect to the man, his being dressed is merely a mode, although clothes are substances. In the same way, in the case of a man, who is composed of a soul and a body, our author might be regarding the body as t...
preview | full record— Descartes, René (1596-1650)
Date: 1659
"Not that the Plastick virtue, awakened by the Imperium of her Will, shall renew all the lineaments it did in this Earthly Body (for abundance of them are useless and to no purpose, which therefore, Providence so ordaining, will be silent in this aiery figuration, and onely such operate as are fi...
preview | full record— More, Henry (1614-1687)
Date: 1664
"These things being thus premised, may it not be probable enough that these Spirits in the other World, shall onely be the Soul's Vehicle and Habit, and indeed really that [GREEK], mentioned by the Apostle; by a vital re-union with which, it may supereminently out-act all that ever she was able t...
preview | full record— Power, Henry (1623-1668)
Date: 1666
Elocution is " that art of clothing and adorning that thought so found and varied, in apt, significant, and sounding word."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1667
"But to do this always, and never be able to write a line without it, though it may be admired by some few pedants, will not pass upon those who know that wit is best conveyed to us in the most easy language; and is most to be admired when a great thought comes dressed in words so commonly receiv...
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1689
Children's "bonds of subjection" are like the "swaddling clothes they are wrapt up in, and supported by, in the weakness of their infancy"and will only be loosened by age and reason
preview | full record— Locke, John (1632-1704)
Date: 1690, 1694, 1695, 1700, 1706
"I ask in the first case, Whether the Day- and the Night-man would not be two as distinct Persons, as Socrates and Plato; and whether in the second case, there would not be one Person in two distinct Bodies, as much as one Man is the same in two distinct clothings."
preview | full record— Locke, John (1632-1704)
Date: 1691
"Thirdly, We cloath and adorn our Bodies, our Souls also are to be cloathed with holy and vertuous Habits, and adorned with good Works."
preview | full record— Ray [formerly Wray], John (1627–1705)
Date: 1694
"A Soul vitally united to a Body, is an embodied Person, in a State of Separation it is the same Person still, but without a Body, which makes a great change in its Sensations, and manner of acting, but no more changes the Person, than the Man would be changed cloathed or uncloathed, were his Clo...
preview | full record— Sherlock, William (1639/40-1707)