Date: 1700
"The Lamp of Life burns dimly in my Breast, / Soon from its beating toil my weary Heart will rest."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1700
"Reason's a Taper, which but faintly burns, / A languid Flame that glows and dyes by Turns; / We see't a while, and but a little Way, / We Travel by its Light as Men by Day."
preview | full record— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)
Date: 1700
"But quickly Dying, [reason] forsakes us soon, / Like Morning Stars, that never stay till Noon."
preview | full record— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)
Date: 1703, 1718
"Darkness, like that in Central Caves beneath, / Like that, which spreads the lonesome Walks of Death, / Where never Ray one Inroad made, / The Rebels Mind did swift invade."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1708
"And if any one denies what they say, they immediately tell you, that this Unbelief of yours proceeds from Learning and Logick: and that Learning is a Veil, and Logick labour of the brain, but that these things which they affirm, are discovered only inwardly then by the Light of the TRUTH."
preview | full record— Ockley, Simon (bap. 1679, d. 1720)
Date: 1708
"And then lastly, there are others, (represented by those Glasses, in our last comparison) in which the impressions of this Spirit are visible, and such we reckon all sorts of Animals. But then, as these smooth and polish'd Bodies which are of the same figure with the Sun [i.e. Spherical] do rece...
preview | full record— Ockley, Simon (bap. 1679, d. 1720)
Date: 1708
"Now, when this Form prevails to such a degree that all others are nothing before it, but it remains alone, so as to consume, with the glory of its Light, whatsoever stands; in it's way; then it is properly compared to those Glasses, which reflect Light upon themselves, and burn every thing else;...
preview | full record— Ockley, Simon (bap. 1679, d. 1720)
Date: 1711
Popes, "Who, as erroneus, Nature's Light asperse; / The Judgment, which our Senses pass, reverse; / And by th' usurp'd Authority of Heav'n / Repeal the just Decrees by Reason given: / Who Schemes of new Religion have enjoined, / Impos'd Belief, enslav'd the free-born Mind, / And artful by the man...
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1712
"Our Intellectual, like the Body's Eye, / Whilst in the Womb, no Object can descry; / Yet is dispos'd to entertain the Light, / And judge of Things when offer'd to the Sight."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1712
"When she to foreign Objects Audience gives, / Their Strokes and Motions in the Brain perceives, / As these Perceptions we Ideas name, / From her own Pow'r and active Nature came, / So when discern'd by Intellectual Light, / Her self her various Passions does excite, / To Ill her Hate, to Good he...
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)