Date: 1700
"O Sacharissa, what could steel thy breast, / To rob the charming Waller of his rest?"
preview | full record— Cobb, Samuel (bap. 1675, d. 1713)
Date: 1707, 1710
"But now I come to cure my fond Disease; / This Steel thy flinty Breast will surely please."
preview | full record— Cobb, Samuel (bap. 1675, d. 1713)
Date: 1707, 1710
"O Sacharissa, what could steel thy Breast, / To Rob Harmonious Waller of his Rest?"
preview | full record— Cobb, Samuel (bap. 1675, d. 1713)
Date: 1718
"The Soul is darker than the deepest Cave, / Hard as the Rock, and colder than the Grave"
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1719
"So perfect Gold no more excells the Brass, / Than Love of Soul doth Love of Body pass."
preview | full record— Mitchell, Joseph (c. 1684-1738)
Date: 1723
"If offer'd in a mild and tim'rous Tone, / Nor urg'd and press'd, its [Counsel's] feeble Force is gone, / And leaves no more Impressions on the Mind, / Than Rocks receive from a soft Breeze of Wind."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1728
Death is an "iron-hearted, and of cruel soul, / Brasen his breast, nor can he brook controul, / To whom, and ne'er return, all mortals go, / And even to immortal gods a foe"
preview | full record— Cooke, Thomas (1703-1756)
Date: 1728, 1740
"Savage their nature, and their hearts of stone; / Their houses brass, of brass the warlike blade"
preview | full record— Cooke, Thomas (1703-1756)
Date: 1735
"Such was the Turn of thy exalted Mind, / Sparkling as polish'd Gems, as purest Gold refin'd."
preview | full record— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)
Date: 1735
"Impenetrable Courage steels his manly Breast"
preview | full record— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)