Date: 1744
"As the body is said to clothe the soul, so the nerves may be said to constitute her inner garment."
preview | full record— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)
Date: 1758
"In heav'nly glories dress thy soul within."
preview | full record— Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718)
Date: 1760-7
"A Man's body and his mind, with the utmost reverence to both I speak it, are exactly like a jerkin, and a jerkin's lining;--rumple the one--you rumple the other."
preview | full record— Sterne, Laurence (1713-1768)
Date: April, 1762
"The metaphor is a shorter simile, or rather a kind of magical coat, by which the same idea assumes a thousand different appearances."
preview | full record— Goldsmith, Oliver (1728?-1774)
Date: 1760-1761, 1762
"We should find her, if any sensible defect appeared in the mind, more careful in rectifying it, than plaistering up the irreparable decays of the person; nay, I am even apt to fancy, that ladies would find more real pleasure in this utensil in private, than in any other bauble imported from Chin...
preview | full record— Goldsmith, Oliver (1728?-1774)
Date: 1760-1761, 1762
"Mr. Showman, cried she, approaching, I am told you has something to shew in that there sort of magic lanthorn, by which folks can see themselves on the inside; I protest, as my lord Beetle says, I am sure it will be vastly pretty, for I have never seen any thing like it before. But how; are we t...
preview | full record— Goldsmith, Oliver (1728?-1774)
Date: 1775
"If I wear a countenance of content, it is to shew that my mind holds no doubt of my Faulkland's truth."
preview | full record— Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751-1816)
Date: 1773, 1778
"The Passions there embody'd throng, / On mental Pinions, swift, and strong, / In Robes array'd of various Fire"
preview | full record— Jones, Henry (1721-1770)