Date: 1649
"And this evil was brought upon us through his own Covetousnesse, whereby he is blinded and made weak, and sees not the Law of Righteousnesse in his heart, which is the pure light of Reason, but looks abroad for it, and thereby the Creation is cast under bondage and curse, and the creator is slei...
preview | full record— William Everard, John Palmer, John South, John Courton. William Taylor, Christopher Clifford, John Barker, Ferrard Winstanley, Richard Goodgroome, Thomas Starre, William Hoggrill, Robert Sawyer, Thomas Eder, Henry Bickerstaffe, John Taylor, &c,
Date: 1651
"Men are not to conceive as if his body were turned into such a substance as the sun is of, for the soul, as through a case of glass, to shine gloriously in only; but further it is united to the soul, to be acted by it, though immediately, for the soul to produce operations in it."
preview | full record— Goodwin, Thomas (1600-1680)
Date: 1651, 1668
"To conclude, the light of human minds is perspicuous words, but by exact definitions first snuffed, and purged from ambiguity; reason is the pace; increase of science, the way; and the benefit of mankind, the end."
preview | full record— Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679)
Date: 1651, 1668
"And on the contrary, metaphors, and senseless and ambiguous words, are like ignes fatui; and reasoning upon them is wandering amongst innumerable absurdities; and their end, contention and sedition, or contempt."
preview | full record— Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679)
Date: 1652
"Tis but a brief and compendious flame, shut up, and imprison'd in a narrow compasse"
preview | full record— Culverwell, Nathanael (bap. 1619, d. 1651)
Date: 1652
"But the publishing and manifestation of this Law which must give notice of all this, does flow from that heavenly beame which God has darted into the soul of man; from 'the Candle of the Lord', which God has lighted up for the discovery of his owne Lawes; from that intellectual eye which God has...
preview | full record— Culverwell, Nathanael (bap. 1619, d. 1651)
Date: 1652
"There's scatter'd in the Soul of Man some seeds of light, which fill it with a vigorous pregnancy, with a multiplying fruitfulnesse, so that it brings forth a numerous and sparkling posterity of secondary Notions, which make for the crowning and encompassing of the Soul with happinesse."
preview | full record— Culverwell, Nathanael (bap. 1619, d. 1651)
Date: 1652
"He did not antedate his own knowledge, nor remember the several postures of his soul, and the famous exploits of his minde before he was born; but plainly profest that his understanding came naked into the world. He shews you an [...], an abrasa tabula, a virgin-soul espousing it self to the bod...
preview | full record— Culverwell, Nathanael (bap. 1619, d. 1651)
Date: 1652
"Many sparks and appearances fly from variety of objects to the understanding; The minde, that catches them all, and cherishes them, and blows them; and thus the Candle of knowledge is lighted."
preview | full record— Culverwell, Nathanael (bap. 1619, d. 1651)
Date: 1652
"Ne're tell us that you wanted origanical dispositions, for you plainly have recourse to the sensitive powers, and must needs subscribe to this, that al knowledg comes flourishing in at these lattices. Why else should not your Candle enlighten you before? who was it that chained up; and fettered ...
preview | full record— Culverwell, Nathanael (bap. 1619, d. 1651)