Date: 1743
"Where had Reason the Dominion, I should have long since expell'd the little Tyrant, who hath made such Ravage there"
preview | full record— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)
Date: 1753
"He combats Passion, rooted in the Soul, / Whose Powers at once delight ye and controul; / Whose Magic Bondage each lost Slave enjoys, / Nor wishes Freedom, tho' the Spell destroys."
preview | full record— Moore, Edward (1712-1757)
Date: 1753
"Ye Slaves of Passion, and ye Dupes of Chance, / Wake all your Pow'rs from this destructive Trance!"
preview | full record— Moore, Edward (1712-1757)
Date: 1753
"Cards were at first for Benefits design'd, / Sent to amuse, and not enslave the Mind."
preview | full record— Moore, Edward (1712-1757)
Date: 1757
"Let low-bred Minds be curb'd by Laws and Rules, / Our higher Spirit leaps the Bounds of Fools"
preview | full record— Garrick, David (1717-1779)
Date: 1761
"Does Conscience, that just Judge, confirm my sentence? / There I am clear."
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)
Date: 1761
"Daughter, I've look'd into the hearts of men, / And trac'd the shifting passions, as they turn / To opposite extremes; there I have mark'd, / When Envy keeps the throne, 'tis Hell within us."
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)
Date: 1762
"The unbridled Athamand, his sister's son, / In firm alliance with a noble princess, / Whom Persia's court had destin'd to his love, / (His tyrant passions brooking no controul,) / Demanded Zobeide as despotic master."
preview | full record— Cradock, Joseph (1742-1826)
Date: 1762
"Shall kings controul th' eternal rights of nature? / The free-born mind is royal of itself, / Nor asks vain glosses from exterior grandeur."
preview | full record— Cradock, Joseph (1742-1826)
Date: December 6, 1765
One may fell Love's vengeful Shaft transfix her heart "And yield to [it] the Empire of [her] Soul]
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)