Date: 1635
"Reason, your viceroy in me, me should defend, / But is captiv'd, and proves weak or untrue."
preview | full record— Donne, John (1572-1631)
Date: 1667
"Conscience is Christs Vicar in mans heart, / It keeps Court there, and acts the Judges part"
preview | full record— Billingsley, Nicholas (bap. 1633, d. 1709)
Date: 1667; 2nd ed. in 1674
"But know that in the soul / Are many lesser faculties, that serve / Reason as chief; among these Fancy next / Her office holds; of all external things / Which the five watchful senses represent, / She forms imaginations, aery shapes, / Which Reason, joining or disjoining, frames / All what...
preview | full record— Milton, John (1608-1674)
Date: 1697
"It reach'd the inmost Marrow of the Brain / Where we perceive our Pleasures, and our Pain. / There where the Soul upon her Throne abides, / And from our Sight conceal'd her Empire guides: / Do's various Orders various Tasks dispence, / To all th'inferiour Ministers of Sence."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)