Date: 1667
"Now I'm again possest / Of that late fugitive, my Breast"
preview | full record— Philips [née Fowler], Katherine (1632-1664)
Date: 1667
"It is our narrow thoughts shorten these things, / By their companion Flesh inclin'd; / Which feeling its own weakness gladly brings / The same opinion to the Mind."
preview | full record— Philips [née Fowler], Katherine (1632-1664)
Date: 1682
"You took my Counsel and became my Friend: / And by those Ties, did earnestly request, / That I wou'd make Marina's Heart your Guest."
preview | full record— Ephelia (fl. 1679-1682)
Date: w. 1677, 1702
"Vain wandring Thoughts, that crowd within my Breast / Do oft obstruct my Soul from Solid Rest; / like to vagrant Clouds, obscure the Mind / Which should to serious watching be inclin'd."
preview | full record— Mollineux [née Southworth], Mary (1651-1695)
Date: w. 1703?
"Descend, O Goddess, to my breast; / There thou may'st reign, unrivall'd and alone, / My thoughts thy subjects, and my heart thy throne."
preview | full record— Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley [née Lady Mary Pierrepont] (1689-1762)
Date: 1703
"All soft Delights are Strangers to her Breast"
preview | full record— Chudleigh [née Lee], Mary, Lady Chudleigh (bap. 1656, d. 1710)
Date: 1703
"Self-love so crouds the human Breast, / That there's no Room for any other Guest"
preview | full record— Chudleigh [née Lee], Mary, Lady Chudleigh (bap. 1656, d. 1710)
Date: 1709
"How soft the first ideas prove, / Which wander through our minds!"
preview | full record— Finch [née], Anne, countess of Winchilsea (1666-1720)
Date: 1710
"Love fled, affrighted, from his Savage Breast, / A Place too cruel for so kind a Guest."
preview | full record— Chudleigh [née Lee], Mary, Lady Chudleigh (bap. 1656, d. 1710)
Date: 1713
"Falsly, the Mortal Part we blame / Of our deprest, and pond'rous Frame, / Which, till the First degrading Sin / Let Thee, its dull Attendant, in, / Still with the Other did comply, / Nor clogg'd the Active Soul, dispos'd to fly, / And range the Mansions of it's native Sky."
preview | full record— Finch [née], Anne, Countess of Winchilsea (1666-1720)